Il verbo irregolare TO CAN

Il verbo can non è solo un verbo irregolare ma è anche un verbo modale! Soprattutto in inglese americano can può anche essere un sostantivo che significa: lattina (esempio: There’s a can of beer in the fridge = C’è una lattina di birra nel frigo); barattolo” (esempio: a can of paint = un barattolo di vernice); scatoletta (esempio: a can of tuna = una scatoletta di tonno); bidone (esempio: the trash can = il bidone della spazzatura.
  • present: CAN
  • past simple: COULD
  • past participle: BEEN ABLE
  • traduzione in italiano: POTERE, ESSERE CAPACE DI.
  • My childhood was a period of waiting for the moment when I could send everyone and everything connected with it to hell
  • La mia infanzia è stato un periodo di attesa per quel momento in cui avrei potuto mandare tutti e tutto all’inferno.
  • I have never been able to conceive how any rational being could propose happiness to himself from the exercise of power over others
  • Non sono mai stato capace ti concepire come un individuo razionale potesse proporsi di darsi un po’ di felicità dall’esercizio del potere sugli altri.
  • It is because Humanity has never known where it was going that it has been able to find its way
  • E’ perché l’Umanità non ha mai saputo dove stava andando che è stata in grado di trovare la propria via

  • Present simple di TO CAN
  • I can
  • You can
  • He cans
  • She cans
  • It cans
  • We can
  • You can
  • They can
  • Present perfect di TO CAN
  • I have been able
  • You have been able
  • He has been able
  • She has been able
  • It has been able
  • We have been able
  • You have been able
  • They have been able
  • Past simple di TO CAN
  • I could
  • You could
  • He could
  • She could
  • It could
  • We could
  • You could
  • They could
  • Past perfect di TO CAN
  • I had been able
  • You had been able
  • He had been able
  • She had been able
  • It had been able
  • We had been able
  • You had been able
  • They had been able
  • Present simple di TO CAN forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Do I can?
  • Do you can?
  • Does he can?
  • Does she can?
  • Does it can?
  • Do we can?
  • Do you can?
  • Do they can?
  • Present perfect di TO CAN forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Have I been able?
  • Have you been able?
  • Has he been able?
  • Has she been able?
  • Has it been able?
  • Have we been able?
  • Have you been able?
  • Have they been able?
  • Past simple di TO CAN forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Did I can?
  • Did you can?
  • Did he can?
  • Did she can?
  • Did it can?
  • Did we can?
  • Did you can?
  • Did they can?
  • Past perfect di TO CAN forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Had I been able?
  • Had you been able?
  • Had he been able?
  • Had she been able?
  • Had it been able?
  • Had we been able?
  • Had you been able?
  • Had they been able?
  • Present simple di TO CAN forma NEGATIVA
  • I don't can
  • You don't can
  • He doesn't can
  • She doesn't can
  • It doesn't can
  • We don't can
  • You don't can
  • They don't can
  • Present perfect di TO CAN forma NEGATIVA
  • I haven't been able
  • You haven't been able
  • He hasn't been able
  • She hasn't been able
  • It hasn't been able
  • We haven't been able
  • You haven't been able
  • They haven't been able
  • Past simple di TO CAN forma NEGATIVA
  • I didn't can
  • You didn't can
  • He didn't can
  • She didn't can
  • It didn't can
  • We didn't can
  • You didn't can
  • They didn't can
  • Past perfect di TO CAN forma NEGATIVA
  • I hadn't been able
  • You hadn't been able
  • He hadn't been able
  • She hadn't been able
  • It hadn't been able
  • We hadn't been able
  • You hadn't been able
  • They hadn't been able